
love, nature, spirituality

Dive into inspiring stories and profound thoughts that open your heart and touch your soul. Discover how love, nature, and spirituality can lead you to your true self and enrich your life. Find glimpses of light for the soul in every post.

Interview with a superhero

Experience fascinating, virtual interviews with a superhero who shares wisdom on love, nature, and spirituality. These imaginary dialogues offer you new perspectives and help you discover your own inner superpowers. Let yourself be inspired and enchanted.

Stoicism: Wisdom from the Ancient Stoics

Discover timeless wisdom and practical advice from the ancient Stoics. Each post offers insights to help you navigate life’s challenges with calm and resilience, guiding you to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Freemasonry: Unveiling the Mysteries

Explore the rich history and philosophies of Freemasonry. Learn about its values and teachings, and how they inspire personal growth and enlightenment. Each post invites you to delve into the profound journey of Freemasonry.

Through the eyes of Meister Eckhart: The journey to inner and outer unity

Through the eyes of Meister Eckhart: The journey to inner and outer unity

This blog post invites you on a profound journey into the world of Meister Eckhart, whose wisdom can harmoniously change our lives. His quote "We must learn to love all of God's creation as if it were part of us" shows that everything around us is an expression of divine energy, including ourselves. This connection helps to promote compassion and healing.

Our society often separates us from this connection, but Eckhart's teachings show ways to see nature and ourselves as one. Mindful walks, meditation and yoga strengthen this connection and open up a deeper dimension of life. These practices help to cope with stress and find inner peace.

If we integrate Eckhart's wisdom into our everyday working life, we can promote compassion and mindfulness at work. Small rituals, such as conscious breathing breaks or walks, increase well-being and strengthen the connection to nature.

Communities offer support on the spiritual journey. Shared meditation or yoga sessions promote a feeling of security and understanding. Such connections are valuable sources of inspiration and strengthen faith.

The love of creation as a path to self-discovery opens up a new perspective on our lives. By connecting with nature, we discover deeper layers of ourselves. The practice of gratitude and small, loving gestures enrich our lives and promote spiritual growth.

Every moment is an opportunity for self-awareness and to strengthen our connection to the world. This journey of self-discovery is ongoing and characterized by infinite growth. Communities and spiritual practices support us in creating a world of compassion and peace.

The journey of the heart: from judgment to compassion

The journey of the heart: from judgment to compassion

A warm welcome to all spiritual seekers! In this text we explore Matthew 7:1: "Judge not, that ye be not judged" and its meaning in our daily lives. In the hectic world of Berlin, many are searching for inner balance and strength. By reflecting on not judging, we realize how often we judge ourselves and others, which hinders us in our search for peace.

Our path leads us through wisdom from various spiritual traditions that teach us to live more mindfully and without judgment. Practical advice such as thought observation and loving kindness help us to overcome old patterns and cultivate compassion. We find support in communities and through inspiring resources.

Mentors and spiritual teachings provide guidance and encourage us to integrate the practice of non-judgment. Regular reflection, conscious intentions and rituals of gratitude anchor our new insights. Small daily acts of compassion and mindfulness transform our lives and relationships.

In deep reflection we discover our true self and experience a rebirth of compassion and non-judgment. We share this inner wisdom through example, creative expression and community support. Integrating these insights into our everyday lives leads to an authentic and fulfilled life, characterized by inner peace and compassion.

Sources of abundance – Jesus as the answer to our deepest longings

Sources of abundance – Jesus as the answer to our deepest longings

Do you know that nagging feeling that there must be more to life than the daily grind and the constant hunt for external success? It is the longing for fulfillment that lies dormant in all of us. In a world that is constantly demanding of us, we easily lose touch with our innermost self and the deeper meaning of our existence.

We are driven by our longing for something greater, for spiritual nourishment and fulfillment. In this context, Jesus says: "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst." These words invite us to quench our deepest hunger and thirst for meaning and to set out in search of the true source of life.

In our hectic everyday lives, we search for inner peace and harmony, for a place of refuge where we can find peace and new strength. We find this in turning inwards and connecting with our spiritual self. It takes courage and perseverance to embark on this journey, but it leads to the roots of our being and to deep fulfillment.

Jesus as the bread of life offers us a source that satisfies our deepest hunger and thirst. It nourishes our soul and gives us strength. Faith in him is not an abstract idea, but a living relationship that brings us profound fulfillment. Despite challenges and doubts, it is worth embarking on this journey because Jesus leads us to inner peace and fulfillment.

A personal journey of faith is characterized by ups and downs, challenges and breakthroughs. It takes courage to break away from old patterns and embark on new paths. Through prayer, meditation and fellowship with like-minded people, we experience God's presence and support.

A life in abundance means passing on the love and grace we receive to others. Jesus calls on us to love our fellow human beings and to share his message of hope. Even in difficult times, we can cling to Jesus, who gives us hope and peace beyond our circumstances.

This journey is an invitation to satisfy our deepest longing for fulfillment by engaging with Jesus and allowing his love to work in our lives. It is a journey that can fundamentally change our lives and lead us into a deeper relationship with God.

The call of the soul – a journey to meaning and connection

The call of the soul – a journey to meaning and connection

Deep within us lies a longing for meaning and connection. The spiritual path invites us to follow this inner voice and discover the divine within ourselves and in all things. Even when doubts and challenges arise, there are numerous allies and companions who support us. Through practices such as meditation, mindfulness and connecting with nature, we can learn to live in the here and now and let our inner light shine. In this way, we not only transform ourselves, but also become a beacon of inspiration for others. Trust in your unique journey and enjoy the magic of the road!

Where two or three are gathered: Christ as a source of connection and healing

Where two or three are gathered: Christ as a source of connection and healing

In the loving embrace of a spiritual community, you can experience the transforming presence of Christ. Here you can be yourself, take off your masks and heal in an atmosphere of compassion and acceptance. Together we can strengthen and inspire each other and become a light in this world. We can also experience the power of community in our everyday lives through small gestures of mindfulness and connection. Trust that your very own path will take you exactly where you need to be. You are loved just as you are - a precious child of God on a wonderful journey.

Following your inner compass – The courage to trust the unknown

Following your inner compass – The courage to trust the unknown

In this text I share my personal journey of spiritual search and inner growth. I tell you how the longing for the invisible drove me to follow the whisperings of my heart and to go inwards. I share experiences and insights that have helped me to trust the hidden order of life and come closer to the core of my being. Whether listening attentively in silence, through surprising synchronicities or in meditative contemplation - time and again I have been amazed at how life itself guides me and gives me gifts as soon as I muster the courage to entrust myself to the unknown. My deepest wish is to encourage you to follow your inner truth - because I am deeply convinced that there is a treasure waiting to be unearthed in each of us.

The eye that sees God

The eye that sees God

Hey, hey,

In my latest blog article, we dive deep into spiritual insight and love, inspired by Meister Eckhart's words: "The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me." We explore the deeper meaning of seeing, how our view of the world influences our spiritual development and the unity of seeing and being seen. I share personal experiences and practical exercises to help you build a deep connection to the divine. Let these insights inspire you to open your heart and see the beauty, love and wisdom in every moment.

Love, Peace and Happiness,
Your tamme

Discover the inner light

Discover the inner light

Our inner light is a powerful symbol of hope, inspiration and transformation. In this article, we explore how you can discover and ignite your inner light and bring it into the world. We start with the meaning of the quote "You are the light of the world" and share personal stories that show how this light shines in all of us.

Through meditation, creative forms of expression and strengthening connections with other people, you can illuminate your inner light. But there are also obstacles along the way, such as self-doubt and fears that need to be overcome. Inspiring stories of people who have overcome these challenges show us that it is possible to strengthen our light.

Ultimately, it's about how you can bring your light into the world to bring about positive change. Small gestures of kindness, creative projects and deeper connections with others can have a big impact. Your light is unique and powerful - let it shine and illuminate the world.