Hey, Hey,

Great to see you here! On this page, you’ll find a selection of wonderful organizations that need your support. Your donation can change lives, bring hope, and make our world a better place. Visit the pages of these dedicated helpers, discover their missions, and become part of the change.

Together, we can bring light to the darkness and fill the world with love and compassion. Every contribution counts and makes a difference. Let’s do good and spread hope together!

Love, Peace and Happiness,
Yours tamme

Doctors Without Borders

“We provide emergency medical aid wherever it’s critically needed. Independent, impartial, and neutral.”

Christian Blind Mission (CBM)

“An inclusive world where all people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and reach their full potential.”

SOS Children's Villages

“Every child deserves a loving home. Worldwide.”


“Greenpeace is committed to international climate protection, biodiversity, and peace.”

Bread for the World

“Bread for the World promotes projects in countries of the Global South and collaborates with local, often church-based partner organizations.”

Welthungerhilfe (World Hunger Aid)

“Every 13 seconds, a child under five years old dies from the effects of hunger – this must end. By donating regularly, you ensure predictable and reliable support, especially for children.”

CARE International

“CARE works to fight poverty and achieve social justice by putting women and girls at the center because we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.”

Malteser International

“Malteser International provides health and dignity for people in need and advocates globally for those requiring support.”

Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND)

“Friends of the Earth Germany fights for the protection of our nature and environment – so the earth remains habitable for all of us.”

Caritas Germany

“Friends of the Earth Germany fights for the protection of our nature and environment – so the earth remains habitable for all of us.”