Harmony in a kiss: a declaration of love on canvas

On May 2, 2024

Harmony in a kiss: a declaration of love on canvas

Harmony in a kiss: a declaration of love on canvas

Open your heart and whisper with my colours. See a young couple, lost in a kiss in which they lose their souls and bodies to wake up again in love. This painting is more than colour on canvas. It is the energy that interweaves them with each other, with themselves and with the universe.

White dominates, the colour of light and purity. But it is not the empty white of deficiency, but the full white of unity that sparkles with life, love and ecstasy. And there, almost as a cheeky interjection, a yellow square. It is a beacon of joy, a ray of sunshine shining on their shared happiness.

The yellow pallor should not deceive you. This image I have created tends towards abstraction, but it truly reveals the naked heart here. It is a declaration of love to the beauty of connection, to the delicate threads that bind us tightly together and unite us in a harmony from heartbeat to heartbeat.

The grey and red squares lend structure, as do the black lines – but not like imposed boundaries, but like gentle arms that lovingly hold and protect this rush of love. They set the framework within which this love can express itself freely and untamed.

Although this picture appears minimalist at first glance, it is rich in emotion. They are like the heartbeat that bubbles inexorably beneath the surface and unfolds its irresistible power in every brushstroke. Here lies the quintessence of love, raw and unadorned. It is the elixir that nourishes and connects us all.

I invite you to linger in this moment, lose yourself in the swirl of emotions and find your own stories of love. May this image be a constant reminder of what it means to truly love and be loved. Love in all its facets is my truest muse and this dance of colours and shapes is my hymn to it.

I hope my work speaks to you in tones that the heart understands and touches the magical power of love in you – raw, honest and powerful.


This artwork is available as (click on it):

Poster and Wall deco

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