
love, nature, spirituality

Dive into inspiring stories and profound thoughts that open your heart and touch your soul. Discover how love, nature, and spirituality can lead you to your true self and enrich your life. Find glimpses of light for the soul in every post.

Interview with a superhero

Experience fascinating, virtual interviews with a superhero who shares wisdom on love, nature, and spirituality. These imaginary dialogues offer you new perspectives and help you discover your own inner superpowers. Let yourself be inspired and enchanted.

Stoicism: Wisdom from the Ancient Stoics

Discover timeless wisdom and practical advice from the ancient Stoics. Each post offers insights to help you navigate life’s challenges with calm and resilience, guiding you to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Freemasonry: Unveiling the Mysteries

Explore the rich history and philosophies of Freemasonry. Learn about its values and teachings, and how they inspire personal growth and enlightenment. Each post invites you to delve into the profound journey of Freemasonry.

The inner temple – A mystical encounter with Doctor Strange

The inner temple – A mystical encounter with Doctor Strange

In a fascinating interview, Doctor Strange gives deep insights into the mysteries of self-improvement. He sees the path of Freemasonry as a symbol of every person's journey to spiritual growth. According to Doctor Strange, in order to refine yourself, you have to face your own weaknesses and overcome them. This process leads to a profound transformation of the mind, emotions and actions. The aim is to build an inner temple in which the divine dwells. Doctor Strange emphasizes that self-improvement is a lifelong journey full of challenges, wonders and realizations that ultimately leads to unity with the divine. His words are an inspiration for all seekers who wish to tread the path of wisdom.

The Symphony of Nature: How Doctor Strange can teach us to understand the universe

The Symphony of Nature: How Doctor Strange can teach us to understand the universe

In an in-depth conversation with Doctor Strange, we explore the universal wisdom of Albert Einstein's quote: "Look deeply into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Doctor Strange, a master of the mystic arts, reveals that nature is more than just a physical appearance - it is a living book full of mysterious truths. By gazing into nature, we not only experience its outward beauty, but also delve into the deep layers of our own existence. He emphasizes the multidimensionality of nature, which encompasses physical, emotional and spiritual levels. In this dialog, he explains that nature can offer us healing, solace and spiritual enlightenment if we approach it in an open and contemplative way. With interconnectedness and unity as central themes, he reminds us that we are all part of the greater whole. This interview with Doctor Strange invites us to see nature as a spiritual teacher and to discover deeper truths about the universe and ourselves through its mirror.

Picasso’s wisdom and Doctor Strange’s insight: How art liberates the soul

Picasso’s wisdom and Doctor Strange’s insight: How art liberates the soul

In an inspiring interview with the extraordinary Doctor Strange, master of the mystic arts, we delved deep into the transformative power of art. Doctor Strange shared his spiritual insights on how art is able to wash the dust of everyday life from the soul and take us to higher levels of consciousness. He emphasized that art is more than just aesthetics - it is a bridge between the material and the spiritual, a manifestation of the inner spirit. Especially for spiritual art lovers, art has the potential to offer profound healing and connection to the universe. Doctor Strange explained how the conscious encounter with art serves as a form of meditation and mindfulness that contributes to inner purification and spiritual enlightenment. He also emphasized how every creative act can be seen as an expression of inner truth and universal energy.

An in-depth conversation with Silver Surfer: art, the soul and the universe

An in-depth conversation with Silver Surfer: art, the soul and the universe

In an inspiring interview, I spoke to the Silver Surfer about the deeper meaning of art and spirituality. When asked about the impulse of the day, the quote from André Gide, the Silver Surfer replied with a piece of wisdom that seemed to come from the vastness of the cosmos. He emphasized that art liberates the soul and helps us to see the world with new eyes. Art is a universal phenomenon that reflects the essence of being and can evoke deep emotions. For spiritual seekers, art offers a platform to find inner peace and connect with higher levels of consciousness. The Silver Surfer sees art as a beacon on the journey of spiritual search, inspiring us and helping us to realize our full potential. His cosmic wisdom and deep understanding of the universe invite us to look beyond material limitations and discover the deeper truth of being.

In conversation with Green Lantern: The courage to be creative

In conversation with Green Lantern: The courage to be creative

Today we had the pleasure of delving deep into the meaning of creativity and courage. The impulse "Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties" is a powerful message. In my role as Green Lantern, I know that true strength and hope often come from the courage to leave the known behind and open up to the unknown. For spiritual seekers, this means letting go of old beliefs and accepting new, deeper truths. By unleashing our creative powers, we can reach our full spiritual potential and experience profound enlightenment. Just as my ring is powered by willpower and imagination, we too can transform our lives and brighten the world around us through courage and creativity.