Love melody in a veil of rain: shadow figures on their way through the silence

On April 28, 2024

Love melody in a veil of rain: shadow figures on their way through the silence

Love melody in a veil of rain: shadow figures on their way through the silence

Immerse yourself, silent wanderer, in the mystical void of this scenario, where under the vast cloak of the sky, two creatures continue their journey through the rain. A damp veil envelops the world, rising from the deepest depths, it embraces the scene with a gentle darkness. My palette carried black colors, pouring over the canvas, to amplify the melancholic nature of this enigmatic wander in the rain.

The two figures, mere outlines against the foggy backdrop, speak volumes of silence and mystery. Imagine them walking on the pavement, shining and smooth under the gentle kisses of the sky. Does the fine greenish shimmer reflect on the wet street in the foreground? Can you see how it balances the darkness with its subtle glow?

And now, direct your eyes to the possibility that one of these shadows wears a raincoat, a protagonist in this symphonic scene of wetness. Listen to the soft murmurs of the drops on fabric, rhythmically resonating in the song of the world. My focus on the silhouettes and their shadowy reflections on the wet asphalt adds another dimension to this symphony, a depth of being, a depth of human existence.

This painting tells a silent story, woven often in rainy moments of solitude. Two beings in the infinity of the universe, carried by the love that connects them to each other and to the world. Don’t you also love the sweet scent of earth after the first rain? The tender caress of the wind on your face? That is the universal love I wanted to capture in this painting. This love that unites us all, across boundaries and time.

Let yourself be moved by these emotions, let yourself be taken away by this painting into the endless depth of existence. Let it become a part of your life, let it be a source of inspiration. Because in love and in spirituality, we find the true essence of our being. To find true happiness, we must first understand what it means to us. It is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. However, there are some common elements that can contribute to finding happiness. It often involves pursuing meaningful relationships, engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, and living in alignment with our values and passions. True happiness is not solely dependent on external circumstances but also on our internal state of mind and perspective. It requires self-reflection, self-acceptance, and the ability to find contentment in the present moment. Ultimately, the path to finding true happiness is unique for each individual, and it requires continuous exploration, growth, and self-discovery.


This artwork is available as (click on it):

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