Love: Invisible faces on calm blue

On April 20, 2024

Love: Invisible faces on calm blue

Love: Invisible faces on calm blue

Imagine you are on a boat, surrounded by the infinite blue of the sea. The sky is reflected in the deep, calming blue of the water and the world around you is quiet, almost peaceful. But this boat is not empty, on the contrary, it is full of people. Each of them has their own story, their own aspirations, their own love.

The atmosphere is lively and yet imbued with a calm grace. Just like life itself, always in motion and yet, at the right moments, capable of absolute stillness. The finely crafted detail of the boat, painted in bold strokes of yellow, draws you in.

I painted this picture in the darker hours of the day, in the gentle transition between dusk and dawn. Where the world is still unseen, and the memories of the previous day fade as the hopes of the day to come manifest. Here is a place where you can lose yourself and find yourself at the same time – a place for you.

People are anonymous in this picture, meaningless and yet of the utmost importance. Their faces are unrecognizable, because it is not about the individuals, but about the world of experience they share. The love they carry within them – for nature, for God, for each other – they all travel together and yet alone.

Picture is more than just colors on a canvas. It is an invitation to embark on a journey of the soul, in search of love in all its facets. You may find it on this boat. Let the simplicity of this scene soothe, inspire and encourage you to immerse yourself in the world of human experience and emotion. Do you recognize yourself on this boat? Could this be your boat – in the middle of the infinite ocean that carries us all, into the infinity of love that we all rely on? Catch a piece of this unfathomable mystery. Let this image be a constant companion on your own journey for love and fulfillment in your home. Embrace the journey. Embrace the love.


This artwork is available as (click on it):


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